MCHVN has its own culture, ethos, philosophy, and values. All groups that come together to focus on voices and visions are, of course, entitled to describe themselves as hearing voices groups but, unless they uphold the values of the Network, not all hearing voices groups are entitled to call themselves a part of the Montgomery County Hearing Voices Network.
While many voices groups work with the Network’s core values of acceptance and self-determination, many other groups work within the medical model of treatment of illness. We welcome the existence of treatment groups and their potential to help people, but we state clearly that they are not part of the Hearing Voices Network. Treatment groups and self-help groups are different.
There are many voices groups that fall somewhere in the middle between these two poles. These groups may be set up and run by mental health system workers. They may be in tune with the ethos and values of the Network but work within organizations that impose constraints and pressures on how the group must function. Despite such constraints, there are some among these groups that are genuinely working to empower members to eventually run their own group.
As a result of the above situation, there is currently a need to clarify the identity of the Montgomery County Hearing Voices Network through establishing criteria by which voices groups can be recognized as members of the Network or not. The following Charter identifies clear criteria for membership in the MCHVN. This includes criteria for full membership and criteria for affiliated status in recognition of groups that are not yet able to fulfill criteria for full membership.
Criteria for Affiliated Group Membership
The group...
Accepts that voices and visions are real experiences.
Accepts that people are not any the less for having voices and visions.
Ethos of self-help
Ethos of mutual respect, support and empathy
Attendance is voluntary and self-determined
Primary focus is sharing experiences- no more, no less
No assumption of illness
Freedom to interpret experiences in any way
Freedom to challenge social norms
Freedom to talk about anything, not just voices and visions
Not a 'treatment program'
Social group not clinical group
No clinical pressure on the facilitator to report back on attendance, participation, etc.
No one expert; all are experts
Ordinary, common language used
No discharge process
No risk assessment
Confidentiality within group is maintained as much as possible
Group is aware of any limits to confidentiality
Working towards fulfilling criteria for full membership
Criteria for Full Group Membership
The group...
No referrals needed
Group is a community to which people belong
Members join for as long as it suits them
Group open to people not using services
Group open to people from other geographical areas
Group does not meet within a clinical setting
Ethos of accepting people as they are
Group is not a form of treatment to make people better
Group decides limits to confidentiality
Equality between everyone in the group
Decisions are made by all the group together
Problems are worked out within the group
Responsibility lies primarily with the group not the facilitator
The group is facilitated by individuals who have lived experience of hearing voices --hearing, seeing or sensing things that others don't
Our aim is that facilitators have prior experience as members of a HVN group and have completed our MCHVN Facilitators Training
Hearing Voices Network Group Charter